Guidance for your present, healing from your past, and hope for your future.

Trauma-Informed Therapy for adults, young adults, and teens across Washington State

Counseling to support your journey towards healing and growth

Hi, I’m Kellie, and I’m glad you’re here

My clients describe me as calming, comforting, easy to talk to, and insightful. My style is relational and real. I will listen with empathy and invite you to slow down and be with your emotions. We will work together to establish therapeutic rhythm that supports your healing and growth.

In our therapy sessions, we won’t just address the issues that bring you in today - we’ll also explore the experiences and influences that have shaped your life up to this point. By looking at your childhood, past experiences, self-beliefs, and family dynamics, we’ll work together to gain a deeper understanding of yourself and your relationships.

This is a space where you can let your guard down and talk openly about your feelings and experiences without judgement. While I will guide our sessions, we will focus on what matters most to you.

Do you work hard at keeping it all together on the outside, but inside, you’re feeling overwhelmed with life?

Your to-do list is a mile long and stress feels like your constant companion. You hold yourself to a high standard and strive to be the best version of yourself. You care about the people in your life, a lot, and often over-extend yourself to make their life easier.

The reality is…you’re struggling. And you know it’s time to focus inward. You’ve read the self-help books, you’ve listened to the podcasts, but finding a moment of stillness and self-reflection in your daily life, just isn’t happening. You need a space to slow down, process your emotions, and learn how to establish more balance in your life.

If this resonates, I can help.

Specializing In:

  • Anxiety and stress have a significant impact on both our physical and emotional health. Counseling for anxiety can help stop the cycle of worry and teach you how to better cope with stress.

  • We thrive on connections with others - they offer support and a sense of belonging. Counseling can help you build healthy relationships across all aspects of your life.

  • Your story has shaped your life in significant ways. Gain an understanding of how your past is impacting you today, and begin to heal the parts of you that feel stuck.


Childhood experiences often profoundly shape our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors in adulthood. Sometimes our reactions to current situations are influenced by these past events.

Through psychodynamic therapy, we’ll explore your early experiences and family relationships to uncover patterns and gain a deeper understanding of yourself.

This form of therapy aims to enhance self-awareness, encourage self-reflection, and promote self-examination, helping you to navigate your life with greater insight and understanding. As you begin to understand how your past experiences continue to affect your life today - through engrained patterns of relating to yourself and others - you’ll develop an awareness that fosters change and growth.

I studied Relational Psychodynamic and Narrative Focused Trauma Care at The Seattle School of Theology and Psychology and The Allender Center.

Are you ready to…

  • Feel more connected to yourself and the people who matter most to you

  • Build more confidence and trust in yourself to live authentically

  • Establish more life balance and prioritize your own needs

  • Learn tools to better manage your stress, overwhelm, and emotions

  • Find a safe, supportive space and feel less alone during life changing events

  • Explore your life story and understand how you came to be who you are today

Let’s Chat!

I know that beginning therapy can feel daunting or overwhelming, and finding the right therapist for you is important!

I would love to chat with you to see if we are a good fit.


Connect via Phone

Click the link below to schedule a 10 minute phone call with me. This is a time to ask me questions and decide if you’d like to schedule an initial appointment.

Feel Seen

Experience a therapeutic space where you feel safe enough to express your feelings, gain insight, and truly feel heard.

Reconnect with yourself

You’ll rediscover who you really are, so you can start living confidently, authentically, and joyfully connected to your purpose and desires.